Marijuana Plants With Nutrient Burn

It is very common for novice marijuana growers to end up with nutrient burn. Here’s how you can prevent, identify and solve nutrient burn so your plants remain healthy and happy.

This article covers:

What causes nutrient burn
How to solve nutrient burn
Symptoms of Nutrient Burn

What causes nutrient burn

What causes nutrient burn in marijuana plants

“Nute Burn” another name for nutrient burn, occurs when your plant’s roots are taking in way too many nutrients. There is no reason to feel you need to give your marijuana plants an excessive amount of nutrients for them to stay healthy. It only takes a small amount for great results. With nutrient burn, your plants will end up losing meat in their leaves.

Excessive nutrients cause the leaves to have a brown or yellow, burnt tip. If you don’t reduce the amount of nutrients you give your plant, the issues will move from the tips to the inside of the leaves causing them to curl and become brittle. For example, you can see this when there is too much nitrogen and the leaves start to curl under. However with an excess of potassium, there will be brown spots towards the edges of the leaves as a sign of nutrient burn.

Download my free marijuana grow guide and learn more about nutrient burn

Although you may only have a little bit of nutrient burn, it still needs to be taken care of the right way to keep this issue from slowing down growth and yields. It can also make your marijuana have a nasty chemical taste. All nute burn is treated the same way regardless of what it is from.

The flowering stage is vital
The flowing phase happens when the plant begins growing buds. Your plant will be more vulnerable during this stage and may not be able to recover from any harm that is done. When it is near harvest time, the plant is less likely to bounce back because all of its focus was put into creating buds.

The flowering phase is delicate for marijuana plants, so give them proper nurturing and make sure to keep a good handle on the nute burn.

How to solve nutrient burn

How to solve nutrient burn

Soil and Coco Coir Systems
Flush your plants with pH’ed water at the first sign of nute burn when growing in a hand-watered system. If you have not added more nutrients, then allow the plant more time to absorb the nutrients that are already in the soil. After this happens, the newer leaves of your plant will recuperate all on its own. You may need to trim the older ones.

Nutrients in a bottle
Only use nutrients that work well for marijuana plants. If you are unable to purchase those labeled for marijuana growing, use those designed for tomatoes. If you can use it for tomato plants than this means it’s great for marijuana plants. Solutions made for other plants may have too much of the wrong nutrients.

The vegetation and flowering phases both need different things, so it is important to pay attention to your plants growth phase so you know what nutrients are best at that time. Making a mistake in this area could lead to serious problems.

Hydroponic systems
One option to reduce how many nutrients are present is to create a new solution that has fewer nutrients. The other way is to add genuine pH’ed water which will lessen the amount of nutrients that are already there.

When it comes to hydroponic systems, it is best to take your time. If you change out the water and decrease the nutrients, this will lead to much better results and stop any issues with nutrient burn.

With hydro systems, some strains are better off with various degrees of nutrients. Providing the same amount of nutrients to all plants is not always best- each plant absorbs nutrients in different ways.

It is best to use a TDS meter to help you control the nutrients in your water. Remember that marijuana plants take in various quantities of water depending on the temperature and humidity in the room. With the TDS meter, every time you look at it, this device helps you become aware of how many nutrients you have in the water. It also tells you if the degrees are rising up or going down.

Symptoms of Nutrient Burn

Symptoms of Nutrient Burn

- Plant growth slows down
- Brown spots on leaves
- Tips of leaves appear burnt
- Top/ lower leaves, or new/old growth is damaged
- Leaves start curling downward
- Leaves edges are burnt

Trust me when I say that burnt leaves are never a good indication of your plants health. Giving your plants more nutrients than necessary is also not best for them. Listening to any advice that says these things, may cause your plants to have far more issues than is necessary. The moment you notice your plants have nutrient burn, do what is needed to help your marijuana plants fully recover so you can end up with high yields at harvest.

Thanks for reading. Please leave comments or questions below and don’t forget to download my free grow bible.


About the author

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director - LinkedIn

Ramon is a well-known face in the cannabis accessories industry. As the managing director of Grasscity, Ramon is in charge of all the daily operations. He started working for Grasscity in 2014 as the Manager Supply Chain and is currently overseeing, besides his role at Grasscity, the global supply chain of High Tide Inc. Under his supervision, Grasscity, the best-rated online headshop, has shipped over a million bongs worldwide. Ramon is born and raised in Amsterdam, a.k.a. the “Grasscity”, and is educated in e-commerce, supply chain management, and cross cross-cultural management. He is an avid user and passionate expert on smoking accessories, who loves to educate the world about the latest innovations, product tips, guides, and other important information regarding using weed.