Cops Arrest Fairfax County Man Who Accidentally Tried to Sell Them Weed

An extremely unlucky Virginia man was arrested for trying to sell weed to a cop after accidentally dialing and texting to a wrong number. No really. That has got to be the unluckiest case of a wrong number that I’ve ever heard.

The man who the Fairfax County Police Department have refused to identify sent the text, “HMU if you wanna get together. I’ve got some nice ins we can burn” to one of their detectives instead of one of his stoner buddies. Fairfax County PD sent an officer to a predetermined location and arrested the man, who had a pound of weed on him. Wait, isn’t this entrapment at this point? I’m not all that knowledgeable about the law, but this seems like it would be entrapment. Feel free to chime in in the comments below with the answer.

Things got worse for the would-be weed dealer, when cops obtained a warrant, found another pound at his house and charged him with possession with intent to distribute. Fairfax County PD then decided to gloat about the incident on social media.

Fairfax County PD Facebook Source: Facebook


The whole incident is pretty funny albeit unfortunate. I cringed pretty hard when I read “New phone, who dis,” on the post. I hate it when cops try to be all hip and cool, as though they’re not there to ruin our good time. Let this be a lesson to all of you: double check that you’re calling and texting the right number. You never know when you might be dialing a cop.

Source: Fox News

Image Source: VideoBlocks

Got anything you’d like to add?  Maybe you or someone you know has had a similar encounter. Tell us in the comments!